Retirement Planning Readiness Quiz

About You


How ready are you for retirement?

Here are questions that will help you evaluate your readiness for retirement. These are all “yes” or “no” questions. If you answer yes to 12 or less, then you are not ready for retirement; 13-17, you are heading in the right direction; 18 or more, you are off to an amazing start. No matter how questions you answered with “yes” you will want to seek help from your trusted financial advisors.
Do you know approximately when you would like to retire?
Do you know what you want to do after you retire?
Do you want or need to work part-time?
Do you know where you want to live in retirement?
Do you have a vision for your lifestyle and social connections in retirement?
Have you considered your family health history and potential long-term health issues in retirement?
Have you prepared a household budget for retirement?
Have you compiled a list of your assets, future inheritances, and sources of income?
Do you have adequate emergency reserves?
Will your debt be under control and manageable in retirement?
Do you have an updated estate plan?
Have you evaluated financial retirement risks and those that may affect you?
Have you comprehensively reviewed your insurance policies and future risk management?
Do you have a retirement income plan for converting your assets into income?
Is your retirement plan tax efficient?
Has your retirement income plan been stress tested for different scenarios such as rising inflation, negative sequence of market returns, and unanticipated events or circumstances?
Is your portfolio risk aligned with your risk tolerance (desire or comfort to handle market risk)?
Is your portfolio risk aligned with your risk capacity (ability to handle market risk)?
Does your plan account for asset allocation adjustments needed when transitioning from accumulation years (before retirement) to distribution years (after retirement)?
Are your portfolios coordinated to address your goals and life expectancy?
Have you analyzed when it is best to take social security?
Does your retirement plan protect your beneficiaries, heirs, and charitable interests?

Please complete all answers above.

Name of Advisor
Please note the advisor you are currently working with MGFS.